Monday 1 April 2013

The Final Countdown

So, 1st April and the turn of the calendar reveals 'Highland Fling' day for all to see!  Eeek!  Suddenly that feeling of running out of time engulfs you.....

But, no time for that, gotta think positive and flip those energies on their head and focus on being a better me for the next 27 days!  So, as of today, I'm on the wagon, and back on the healthy eating (a la Slimming World, but starting to read up about reducing the amount of carbs I'm chomping), and ready to get those final quality training miles logged to get the body and mind in the right place for 'race day'!  And a focus on the rest and recovery too (I will bring the foam roller into the house and use it!!).

It's easy to say, sitting here at the end of a great week off in Aviemore - fresh air, relaxation, and without any work stress, but here's hoping to hang onto that feeling of freedom and fresh legs running through the Ryvoan pass, with awesome views and no dramas, as the month ticks past!  

I think the support on Facebook really helps keep the motivation going (as long as you can avoid the stress of folk getting some great runs done while you're at work!), and it will be good to 'toe the line' with so many friends on 27th....hopefully full of good banter to help the miles pass!

So, here's to a month of good training everyone, culminating in a great day out at the end of the month!


  1. I've been stressing about it all weekend :-( I know I am and nothing has alleviated it! Here's to a healthy restful 26 days xx

  2. I'm kinda glad someone else is....I know I've done good miles...but sometimes feels like it's never enough!

  3. Good luck with the build up Amanda, I'll help wherever I can.
